Worship at FPCS is central to our life of faith together.
As a gathered body of believers and seekers, our faith is nurtured through worship that is participatory, connective, and inspirational. Through liturgy, prayer, and song, we lift our collective voices to acknowledge and celebrate God’s gifts and grace. Thoughtful reflection on scripture challenges and equips worshippers to share God’s love and be the light of Christ in the world.
If you wish to be strengthened, renewed, and transformed through a deeper relationship with the triune God, you are warmly invited to experience worship at FPCS.
Worship is at 10 AM on Sundays in the Sanctuary,
or online via Livestream at any time suitable for you
The worship service is traditional in style but with a relaxed feel. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome to participate – there are no barriers to being fed at the Lord’s table. If you are worshipping virtually, you may use your own communion elements – juice, wine, or water and any kind of bread or cracker are perfectly suitable. All worshippers are encouraged to go out and share God’s love following the service, either onsite during our time for fellowship with one another, or with your family, friends, neighbors, or those who may need their spirits lifted.
Special worship service opportunities include monthly outdoor worship under the trees during the warmer months, Blessing of the Animals in September, and Cantatas during Advent and Lent.
Click here to learn more about what to expect when attending a worship service at FPCS.