Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth occurs when we take time to listen, discern, question and engage our faith. It involves learning about God and Jesus through stories in scripture, and applying those teachings to our own real-life experiences, and to current events that shape our nation and world.
Growing spiritually is a continual process that is enhanced through opportunities to Learn, Heal and Share. Below are a few of the learning and discussion opportunities you can participate in at FPCS.
Christian Perspectives
The Christian Perspectives Sunday morning forum is a small group opportunity to explore and discuss a variety of relevant topics from the perspective of Christianity. How do the teachings of Jesus inform your thinking about current events, policy debates, and life issues? What can we learn from scripture, from our denomination’s reformed theology, and from each other?

Christian Perspectives is offered most Sunday mornings following worship @ 11:30 am in Room 101. The program alternates its topical focus based on current events and community interest. Click here to view the schedule of upcoming topics. Upcoming topics are posted in the Sunday worship bulletin each week.
Women’s Study Circles
FPCS has two organized women’s Circles which provide the opportunity for women of all ages to gather, learn, and support one another in a Christian atmosphere. Monthly Circle meetings generally include fellowship, Bible study using curriculum from Presbyterian Women of the PC(USA) and sharing of joys and concerns. An annual weekend retreat, designed specifically for women by women, supports spiritual growth and self-awareness by nurturing faith through study, discussion, and social interactions.
Circles also focus on projects that support various community and global missions by providing both hands-on and monetary support. Circle members have organized book drives for prisoners and underserved children; collected socks for those struggling to get back on their feet and menstrual products, diapers, and formula for women in need. These active women also volunteer onsite at Cradles to Crayons and have worked together to fill and deliver clean-up supply buckets to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Monetary contributions have supported No More Secrets in Germantown and hurricane victims through the Red Cross and Presbyterian Disaster Fund, and other local non-profits through the church’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Day of Service.
Each Circle meets monthly in the church, in a Circle member’s home, or by Zoom. Circle members also meet for social events such as concerts, museum and theater programs. All women, regardless of faith or church affiliation, are invited to participate in a Circle and experience the love and care Christian women share with one another. For more information, contact the Church Office.