Serving Others
“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36
FPCS provides many opportunities throughout the year for people of all ages to actively engage in God’s transformative work and to live out Jesus’ call to serve the least of these. A core focus is providing needed items such as food, blankets, clothing, and supplies to those experiencing varying levels of crisis, both in our surrounding community and the wider world. Through hands-on service projects, donation drives, collections for the church’s food cupboard, collaborative partnerships with other agencies including Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels, and other acts of generosity and compassion, we constantly strive to lift up the broken-hearted.
Opportunities to be involved in mission and service work through the church are highlighted below.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Day of Service
Each year the church hosts a community event on MLK Day, providing opportunities for families and individuals to engage in acts of service that benefit various local organizations that serve those less fortunate. Specific details about the event and how to register will be posted to the website in December.

Springfield Opportunities to Serve, or SOS, is a private group hosted and administrated by the Mission Committee of First Presbyterian Church in Springfield. The goal of the SOS initiative is to harness the eagerness and capacity of the greater Springfield community to support local service projects, supply drives and fundraisers. Those who join the group will be made aware of opportunities to support people in need through activities, events and drives organized by the church or our non-profit organization partners. These opportunities to serve will include both hands-on volunteer activities (packing snack bags for the homeless, for instance) as well as requests for donations that meet a specific need, such as food and diapers or funding for a specific cause. This initiative is an extension of the church’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Day of Service and open to anyone in the community with an interest in helping those less fortunate.